Struggling to engage students?


Let's create a more inclusive classroom Together!

Join Our Online Course Community and Triumph Over Challenges!

Imagine you could...

 Create engaging lessons that connect with all types of learners, especially those struggling or with mild disabilities. With easy to follow steps and real world examples, you'll learn how to transform your teaching and improve outcomes for every student.

Enhanced Learning

 Tailoring lessons to each learner's unique style, empowering students to succeed.

Boost Confidence

Improve student attention with tailored instruction

Boost Outcomes

Help students especially struggling learners achieve their full potential.



The VARK course is a proven resource for educators to identify learning styles, create tailored lessons, and empower struggling students through effective, multi-sensory strategies.

Perfect for Adult Education Teachers, k-12 Teachers, and Administrators

Yes, I want this!

What You'll Gain In this Course:

How VARK works and what it measures


Ways to use VARK results to create personalized learning plans.


Strategies for performance, and self-confidence for all types of learners

CEO of Juken Learning Services

We help educators and institutions improve outcomes for diverse learners with practical strategies in adult education, disability evaluations, and meeting WIOA and WASC goals.

Inclusive learning isn't an option anymore!

Kenya has more than a decade of expertise as a School Psychologist and Educational Consultant. As a thought leader and advocate of streamlining resources, she knows the value of instituting high-impact strategies with same-day implementation. Her goal is to remove barriers and make educational strategies scalable and inclusive for diverse learning needs.

Special Conference Rate Offer


Welcome to Palm Springs CCAE conference this weekend! A special offer to everyone who attends my workshop on November 22 and November 23rd... See you there!